Videos are the future of Digital Marketing as we know it. You’ve probably seen well over 10 if not more videos by the end of a typical weekday. Now let’s have a show of hand of how many of you even read a single book today? Na-Da? Well, that’s really not suprising. Animated Sales Videos has proven time and time again to boost a business’s revenue almost overnight and we’d tell you exactly why below.

Thanks to the advent of Social Media, videos are consumed more and more hungrily by your audience. What this means is that if you’re business looking to acquire new customers or clients – that’s EXACTLY what you should be doing as well. Putting out great videos that explain what you do and how you can help your customers SOLVE a problem, allows you to reach your potential customers in ways you never thought possible.

Animated Video Malaysia

Animated Sales Videos help you deliver your message in a FUN and COMPELLING manner. The use of various attractive colours and graphics help keep your audience glued throughout the delivery of your message. In fact Animated Sales Videos have been credited to make even the ‘driest’ of topics interesting (think tax returns), and help maintain a high level of user engagement through the course of the video.

If you’re a business operating today in Malaysia, and you have yet to invest in your very own animated video – you’re literally leaving tens of thousands of pounds on the table. Contrary to popular beliefs that Animated Sales Videos often costs tens of thousands to make, we at Elevate Digital believe that Top Quality Animated Sales Videos should be made available to everyone. Our Animated Sales Videos are crafted from scratch, and we take great pleasure to deliver a video that is amazing in quality, and costs a fraction of what most other animated video production agency charge. We do this mainly to give Small & Medium Enterprises a chance to have their very own Animated Sales Videos, as well as to help and advise the same companies on how to use the videos in the best manner possible to generate new clients and business.

Read on to find out how your Malaysia based Business could benefit INSTANTLY by having it’s very own Animated Sales Video below:

Benefits of Animated Videos

Animated Video Malaysia

Businesses big and small can both benefit from having it’s very own Animated Sales Video. In fact most experts would agree that smaller businesses actually stand to GAIN much more compared to bigger businesses. The popularity of social media and the wide availability and usage of the Internet in our everyday lives means people are more connected today compared to 10 years ago. This means that your small business is able to reach a wide base of customers for pennies instead of spending thousands of pounds as it used to previously.

Think of it having your own Animated Sales Video, as if it were your very Own Salesperson who works tirelessly 24/7 every single day to promote your business and services online. The video introduces your business, highlights your potential customers pain points and sells your services or products as the solution, very much like a traditional sales cycle – only difference is that it does it online in a fully automated process.

With Social Media Marketing coupled a powerful Animated Sales Video, smaller businesses can get credible results, and in many ways easily 10X the multiple of ad-spend cost compared to traditional advertising methods in no time. At Elevate Digital Media – this is exactly what we LOVE 💖 doing! Helping smaller businesses achieve amazing results using proven and effective Digital Marketing strategies.

Animated Videos for your Malaysia-based Business

Here are some of the reasons why an effective Animated Sales Video is so important for small to medium enterprise (SME) businesses in Malaysia today:


    Animated Sales Videos allows the use of Social Media to reach a HUGE potential catchment of your ideal customers. As the consumption of videos using Social Media continue to grow at an unprecedented rate, your Animated Sales Video has the potential to reach an ever wider and growing number of potential customers. As Animated Sales Videos due to their nature are colourful, often funny and easily captures the imagination of viewers, people are more likely to share the videos with their close friends and family. What this means is that your reach is only going to get WIDER with more views and shares. The best part is that these shares and views are totally FREE! Also thanks to the algorithm of popular Social Media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram, the more views and shares organically a video gathers, the more such content is pushed out automatically to potential viewers, as the algorithm determines that it’s a popular piece of content, and that more people will want to watch it. Again the cost to your business is – ABSOLUTELY FREE, and the reach of your potential customers just got EVEN WIDER!

    As such you can see how a small investment in your very own Animated Sales Video, could easily give you the scope and ability to reach and touch tens of thousands of people of a fraction of of the cost of traditional media advertising.


    A small investment in your very own Animated Sales Video will keep generating a significant ROI (Return on Investment) for your business over years! As your animated video is a piece of content that you can use in your website or Social Media channels, you can always repackage it in various ways to suit the delivery of a particular message.

    Ridiculously low cost of advertising! This has got to be one of the major reasons why if you’re a small to medium enterprise operating today – effective use of an Animated Video strategy could mean the difference between success and failure. At Elevate Digital, we have helped many local Malaysian based businesses formulate a winning strategy that has yielded some impressive results. A recent strategy implemented for a Malaysia based builder and dental practice resulted in a Return of Investment (ROI) of over 38X times the cost of actual advertising spend.


    Imagine if you’re a client attending a Sales Meeting. You’re often put through countless Powerpoint slides, graphs charts and numbers. You’re often wondering in the back of your mind, if you’d ever see anything that’s colorful or interesting as the person delivering the sales pitch goes on and on. Now imagine sitting down and watching a colourful Animated Sales Video that is funny, insightful and delivers the sales pitch in a manner that is easy to understand and compelling in 90-seconds flat.

    That is the power of utilizing an Animated Sales Video. The use of background music, voiceovers, animation, colourful graphics and a powerful story – all make for a delivery of a Sales Pitch that will truly be one of a kind to your potential customers. You’d also have a high level of engagement and your viewer is throughly sucked in to see what is going to happen next in the video. This keeps them motivated and eager to learn more about you and your business.

One can easily from the above how valuable the effective use of an Animated Sales Video strategy could make all the difference for smaller and medium sized businesses operating in Malaysia and beyond today.

In fact one of the first questions we ask business owners is ‘Can you handle a sudden influx of customers?’ This may seem unbelievable but having in place a method for your business to scale quickly to serve for a major influx of new customers is one of the things we discuss with you as a business owner when we work with you to take your business on to the next level.

Animated Video Production Agency Malaysia

Animated Video UK

An effective use of your Business’s Animated Sales Video, coupled with an effective Social Media Marketing strategy has the potential to ensure that you NEVER have to go looking for new customers ever again! Now how does THAT sound? Just think and ponder on that for a little while, and think of what a HUGE DIFFERENCE that would make in the way you run your business.

Your potential customers will watch your video online through various channels, realize the value of what you’re offering and how it could solve their problems or issues they may be facing, and will initiate contact with you directly. No more countless cold phone calls, emails, tens of thousands of pounds spent on advertising channels that have no way of measuring the return on your invesment. The best part is that, with this strategy – every single step such as, the cultivation of engaging Animated Sales Video content, offer creation and promotion, setting up Facebook Pixel on your website, utilising the data garnered for future promotions – all of these is easily TRACKABLE and MEASURABLE. Meaning if you spent £500 on Facebook Ads to promote your Animated Videos this month, you can easily measure the return on investment of this amount spent to see how much you business you have made in terms of the value of new customers acquired over a period of time.

Working with top Animated Video Production Agency and an experienced  Social Media Marketing Agency like us at Elevate Digital Media means you have all of this squared away. This is literally what we do BEST! We know exactly how to get you the results that you are craving for and literally take your business to the next level in no time at all.

Most clients that we work with, with see tangible and measurable results that means more sales or customers for their businesses within the first 60 days or less! That’s a number we are extremely proud of and have been able to replicate time and time again. If you’re a business owner who is looking to get an endless stream of new customers every single day, tell us your story today –  and we will let you focus on what you do best – ensuring your new customers are satisfied and running your business succesfully!

Get Started on your very own Animated Sales Video for your business today HERE!